Year: 2016
Instruments: Voice, vc, pn, pc and live electronics.
Lenght: 10′
Premiered at: Festival Pyramidale. Berlin. 12/09/ 2016.
Ensemble SINKRO.
Voice: J. Telletxea. Vc: E. Oráa. Pn: A. Gómez. Perc: J. Alonso. Electr.: K. Sagastume, Z. F Gerenabarrena.
Performed at:
- Berlin Embassy Auditorium. Ensemble SINKRO. 12/09/2016
- Bernaola Festival. Jesús Guridi Conservatory. Vitoria-Gasteiz.Ensemble SINKRO. 19/11/2016
“Ludi onen bestaldez loratzen diran landaren usañak goxalde bakotxak darkidaz. Auxe da neure sakona!.” Arrats Beran, Aurre-itza. Lauaxeta
“Every dawn brings me the fragrance of the flowers that are born on the other side of this world, and that’s my depth!” Arrats Beran, Prologue. Lauaxeta
It is these words of the poet Lauaxeta felt as the motive and a bet for the moment of living, now. Through the doors that open the instant, for immersion in human nature.