
Gaueko loreak


Year: 1999

Instruments: Voice ( Mezzo), sax spr., accor, dbl bass, perc.

Lenght: 12′

Premiered at: MUSIKASTE (Rentería) 1999/05. Oiasso Novis group. Dir: Maite Aurrekoetxea.

Other data:

  • Text: Jon Garcia.
  • Commissioned by the Basque Government.
  • Work based on the work of the sculptor Luciano MinguzziI Fiori della notte

The flowers of the night walking the corners inviting with their glance, take to the hair of shining silver and heels pumping blood in the road.
The flowers of the night walking in front of your door, braves, courageous, with their star eyes, with their frost hands and smile although a sword is waiting for them.
